/ world

3D Sketches

Illustrations created while learning Cinema 4D through various courses. An ongoing study in creating 3D scenes.

Days of Type 2021

Jelly letters rendered in Cinema 4D for the 8th edition of Days of Type.

Lift Our Spirits

Risograph print created during the pandemic. It was created as part of a series with other friends, our goal being to spread more joy during 2020.

This illustration was featured in "Made Alone Together" by Good Words Press, with all proceeds donated to the Chicago Food Depository. The zine featured a compilation of work made during quarantine, by 61 artists from varying disciplines.


Various experiments in graphic design, layout, texture. Basically, a free-for-all in visual experiments.

Tiny Planets

Photographic series working with organic materials and textures.

Socially Distant

A series of posters inspired by gradients and simple patterns. I made these at the beginning of the pandemic, as a way to flex creative muscles during the first few months of Covid-19.

Days of Type 2021

Various studies in UI and layout.

Deep Space
Deep Space
Deep Space